42-Foot-Long Ancient Roman Ship Uncovered by Miners in Serbia - The World News

42-Foot-Long Ancient Roman Ship Uncovered by Miners in Serbia

A group of miners in Serbia found more than just timber when they happened upon the remains of an ancient ship that archaeologists say may belong to the Roman Empire.

The ship, whose hull measures some 42 feet in length, was discovered in the village of Drmno, near what was once a Roman settlement called Viminacium. Because of the proximity to that region, archaeologists believe the ship was related to a city that was once sited there.

“We may assume that this ship is Roman, but we are unsure of its exact age,” Miomir Korac, the archaeologist spearheading the research being done on the ship, told Reuters. He estimated that it could be from the 3rd or 4th century CE.

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Since 2020, at least one other vessel has been found in the area, which is close to the Mlava river. To date, archaeologists have found two ships and three canoes.

Viminacium was the humming site of significant activity during the 4th century CE, with emperors such as Theodosius even visiting the city, which is thought to have hosted some 48,000 residents.

Archaeological work has been ongoing at its former site since the 19th century. In the intervening years, the remains of tombs, an amphitheater, an aqueduct, and more have been turned up. Today, the results of the digs can be seen in museums in Belgrade and Požarevac.

According to Reuters, there are plans to exhibit some of the more newly discovered items in the nearby town of Kostolac. Showing the hull itself could prove difficult, however, given its size.

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