Former New York Museum Employee Alleges Financial Misconduct, Sagrada Familia Gets Completion Date, Audit Says Smithsonian Misused Pandemic Funds, and More: Morning Links for March 26, 2024 - The World News

Former New York Museum Employee Alleges Financial Misconduct, Sagrada Familia Gets Completion Date, Audit Says Smithsonian Misused Pandemic Funds, and More: Morning Links for March 26, 2024

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MAD FUNDS MISUSED? The former chief financial officer of New York’s Museum of Arts and Design (MAD), Denise Lewis, sued the institution last week, alleging its leadership fired her after she accused the director of misusing institutional funds, reports ARTnews’ Senior Editor Alex Greenberger. Lewis said she approached the board with allegations about director Tim Rodgers, claiming he had used MAD money to fund expenses related to a second home in Connecticut, as well as payments towards a vacation in Mexico, all of which she contested.

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