Biden’s Cybersecurity Strategy Assigns Responsibility to Tech Firms - The World News

Biden’s Cybersecurity Strategy Assigns Responsibility to Tech Firms

“The fundamental recognition in the strategy is that a voluntary approach to securing” critical infrastructure and networks “is inadequate,” Anne Neuberger, the deputy national security adviser for cyber and emerging technologies, said at an event at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think tank.

Every administration since that of George W. Bush, 20 years ago, has issued a cybersecurity strategy of some kind, usually once in a presidency. But President Biden’s differs from previous versions in several respects, chiefly by urging far greater mandates on private industry, which controls the vast majority of the nation’s digital infrastructure, and by expanding the role of the government to take offensive action to pre-empt cyberattacks, especially from abroad.

The Biden administration’s strategy envisions what it calls “fundamental changes to the underlying dynamics of the digital ecosystem.” If enacted into new regulations and laws, it would force companies to implement minimum cybersecurity measures for critical infrastructure — and, perhaps, impose liability on firms that fail to secure their code, much like automakers and their suppliers are held liable for faulty airbags or defective brakes.

“It just reimagines the American cybersocial contract,” said Kemba Walden, the acting national cyber director, a White House post created by Congress two years ago. “We are expecting more from those owners and operators in our critical infrastructure,” added Ms. Walden, who took over last month after the country’s first cyber director, Chris Inglis, a former deputy director of the National Security Agency, resigned.

The government also has a heightened responsibility, she added, to shore up defenses and disrupt the major hacking groups that have locked up hospital records or frozen the operations of meatpackers around the country, along with government operations in Baltimore, Atlanta and small towns across Texas.

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