Coast Guard Says Search for Missing Submersible Is ‘Incredibly Complex’ - The World News

Coast Guard Says Search for Missing Submersible Is ‘Incredibly Complex’

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Coast Guard Says Search for Missing Submersible Is ‘Incredibly Complex’

The Coast Guard provided an update on the search for the submersible on Tuesday.

The Coast Guard has coordinated search efforts with the U.S. and Canadian Coast Guard, Air National Guard aircraft and the Polar Prince, which has searched a combined 7,600 square miles, an area larger than the state of Connecticut. Those search efforts have not yielded any results. Search efforts have continued through last night and today. Today, the vessel Deep Energy, 194-meter pipe-laying vessel arrived on scene with underwater ROV capability. They have rendezvoused with a vessel, Polar Prince and commenced and ROV dive at the last known of the position of the Titan and the approximate position of the Titanic wreck. This is a very complex search and the unified team is working around the clock to bring all available assets and expertise to bear as quickly as possible in an effort to solve this very complex problem. We know there’s about there’s about 40 hours of breathable air left based on that initial report. Again, that was just the initial report based on 96 hours. You’re talking about a search area that’s 900 miles east of Cape Cod, 400 miles south of St. John’s. So logistically speaking, it’s hard to bring assets to bear. It takes time. It takes coordination. And then we’re dealing with, you know, two pieces of — you’re dealing with a surface search and a subsurface search. And frankly, that makes it an incredibly complex operation.

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