Dev Shah Becomes 2023 Spelling Bee Champion - The World News

Dev Shah Becomes 2023 Spelling Bee Champion

“If you spell this next word correctly, we will declare you the 2023 National Spelling Bee champion: psammophile.” “Psammo, meaning ‘sand,’ Greek? Oh.” “Wait a second.” [chuckle] “Psammo, meaning ‘sand,’ Greek?” “Yes.” “Phile, meaning ‘lover,’ Greek?” “You’re on the right track.” “Can I please have all the information?” “Psammophile is a noun from Greek. A psammophile is an organism that prefers or thrives in sandy soils or areas.” “Psammophile. May I please have the sentence?” “Any psammophile, for example, a cactus, would flourish in the Arizona desert. Can you say it for us?” “Psammophile. Psammophiles.” “Psammophile.” “P- S- A- M- M- O- P-H- I-L-E, psammophile.” “That is correct.” [crowd cheering] “The hug from Charlotte and Morgan Fitzgerald Middle School celebrates in Largo, Florida. He had family watching in New Jersey and in India. His friends from back home celebrating, his father, Deval; his mother, Nilam; and little brother Neil. They’ll be talking about this for the rest of Dev’s life. Your 2023 Scripps National Spelling Bee champion.

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