Ex-Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby To Be Sentenced in Perjury Case - The World News

Ex-Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby To Be Sentenced in Perjury Case

Marilyn Mosby, the former Baltimore prosecutor who rose to national prominence for prosecuting police officers in the death of Freddie Gray, was expected to be sentenced on Thursday for lying about her personal finances to access retirement funds and buy a vacation home in Florida.

U.S. District Judge Lydia Kay Griggsby was expected to issue the sentence in federal court in Greenbelt, Md., after a jury found Ms. Mosby guilty on two counts of perjury in November. Judge Griggsby ordered Ms. Mosby on Thursday to forfeit a condominium in Longboat Key, Fla., that she had purchased with funds from a falsified mortgage application.

Ms. Mosby was found guilty on the perjury charges for falsely claiming financial hardship resulting from the coronavirus pandemic to withdraw money from a retirement fund.

She faces up to five years in prison for each of the two counts. Prosecutors have asked for 20 months. She also faces a maximum of 30 years for lying on a mortgage application for a second Florida condominium. A jury found her guilty on a federal charge of making a false mortgage application after a separate trial in February.

Federal prosecutors accused Ms. Mosby of falsely claiming the financial hardship to withdraw from her city retirement account. Those funds are usually restricted until retirement, but a relief program called the CARES Act permitted withdrawals for “adverse financial consequences” tied to the pandemic.

Ms. Mosby’s supporters have said that her longstanding record of public service, and her fight against racial inequality in the criminal justice system, should weigh in her favor when she is sentenced. She criticized what she described as an aggressive prosecution in an ABC News interview this week.

“The investigation was extremely expansive,” Ms. Mosby said in that interview, adding that investigators “interrogated” her hairdresser and her children’s dance instructor, “all to create an environment in which I would be isolated and villainized in the media.” She added, “They’ve done this intentionally to break me.”

Ms. Mosby served two terms as state’s attorney for the city of Baltimore and became a key voice in the national debate over race and policing by pursuing charges against police officers in connection with the death of Freddie Gray, a Black man who died in police custody in 2015. But none of the prosecutions she brought against the officers in connection with his death were successful. In early 2022, she was indicted by federal prosecutors on the perjury charges and lost a Democratic primary bid for a third term months later.

In 2020, Ms. Mosby requested $90,000 from her retirement account and indicated on federal forms that she had been facing financial hardship. Instead, prosecutors pointed to payroll documents showing that Ms. Mosby continued to make $250,000 a year during the pandemic in her job as Baltimore City state’s attorney.

Ms. Mosby’s lawyers argued that she was struggling to grow a business called Mahogany Elite Enterprises, which she formed in 2019 to organize retreats for successful Black women, saying that travel restrictions had caused the venture to lose money.

Prosecutors said that Ms. Mosby used the money she withdrew to fund down payments for vacation homes in Florida.

In a separate conviction, a jury in February found that Ms. Mosby lied on an application for a Florida condo by falsely stating that she had received a $5,000 gift from her then husband to be applied to the purchase of the property. Prosecutors argued that Ms. Mosby made the statement in order to secure a lower interest rate. The jury acquitted her of making a false mortgage application related to her purchase of a home in Kissimmee, Fla.

Ms. Mosby, who had become a key voice in the national debate over race and policing, has appealed directly to President Biden and applied for a presidential pardon, according to The Baltimore Sun. She also has the support of the civil rights lawyer Ben Crump who wrote on social media last week that “the persecution of Black female progressive prosecutors is indicative of a disturbing trend that should have ended with the last administration.”

Mr. Crump was one of more than a dozen colleagues, friends and family members who urged Judge Griggsby for leniency at court on Thursday.

Ms. Mosby is expected to appeal her conviction.

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