Read the notice from Columbia administrators - The World News

Read the notice from Columbia administrators

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April 29, 2024
Columbia is committed to the well-being and safety of all students, and follows two principles in
managing public speech on campus: the right of members of the community to engage in protest and
free expression, and the right of members of the community to pursue their academic activities
without interruptions and free of harassment and discrimination. These principles are embodied in
the Rules of University Conduct and other policies governing conduct on campus.
As you are probably aware, the dialogue between the University and student leaders of the
encampment is, regrettably, at an impasse. The current unauthorized encampment and disruption on
Columbia University’s campus is creating an unwelcoming environment for members of our
community. External actors have also contributed to this environment, especially around our gates,
causing safety concerns – including for our neighbors.
Exams are beginning and thousands of your peers are due to graduate. These are among the most
significant aspects of students’ academic programs. Many of this year’s graduates were deprived of
a graduation celebration from high school because of the pandemic. For many of their families, this
will be the first time anyone in their family has completed college and received a degree.
We urge you to remove the encampment so that we do not deprive your fellow students, their
families and friends of this momentous occasion. The University will offer an alternative venue for
demonstrations after the exam period and commencement have concluded. If the encampment is not
removed, we will need to initiate disciplinary procedures because of a number of violations of
university policies. These are policies you agreed to adhere to when you joined our community.
We have explained that this encampment violates multiple University policies, including:

The Rules of University of Conduct

Disruptive Behavior (Standards and Discipline, pp. 4-9)
University Policy, Violation (Standards and Discipline, pp. 4-9) including but not limited to
operations policies regarding “tenting”
Failure to Comply (Standards and Discipline, pp. 4-9)
Vandalism/Damage to Property (Standards and Discipline, pp. 4-9)
Access/Egress, Unauthorized (Standards and Discipline, pp. 4-9)
Harassment and/or violation of the Columbia University Non-Discrimination Statement
(Standards and Discipline, pp. 4-9)
Please promptly gather your belongings and leave the encampment. If you voluntarily leave
by 2 p.m., identify yourself to a University official, and sign the provided form where you
commit to abide by all University policies through June 30, 2025, or the date of the conferral of
your degree, whichever is earlier, you will be eligible to complete the semester in good standing
515 West 116th Street
New York, NY 10027

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