What Has Brought You Joy in 2023 - The World News

What Has Brought You Joy in 2023

Here’s some of what readers have shared, lightly edited:

“After the darkest years of my life during the pandemic — deep depression, a toxic relationship and the loneliness of a new city — I got to marry my best friend this year. We would never have met without Covid, which uprooted us from our lives in different states and led us to cross paths in San Diego. There’s a lesson in there somewhere about clouds and silver linings, but I’m mostly overwhelmed with gratitude to gather our favorite people together in celebration. I’ll never take community for granted again!” — Liz Schneider, San Diego

“I am the youngest of seven children. Unfortunately, what that can mean is, all your loved ones die before you. This year two remaining sisters, 95 and 84, died within a couple of months in the spring. It is quite a blow. But, also this year, I met the new great-granddaughter Aurora, who was born in late January. She is a beautiful, mellow, lovable baby. Life takes away and also gives us delights. My sisters would have loved her.” — Annie Jelnick, Corona del Mar

“We’ve been growing tomatoes since we became members of our community garden in Los Angeles in 2018, but the past years we were not successful in getting many tomatoes despite planting about a dozen plants. This year was different. I tended our tomatoes with so much care and attention. The hard work paid off, and I was able to harvest a basket full of tomatoes of different varieties almost every week this summer. The joy was sharing something I love and worked hard for.” — Marissa Balancio, Los Angeles

“The best thing that happened to me this year was being the officiant at my daughter’s wedding. I was shocked last year when she and her fiancé asked if I would marry them. ‘Why me?’ I asked. My daughter replied, ‘Because you never cry at weddings.’ That was her reason? Really? I’ll admit it was difficult not to cry when I saw my husband walking her down the aisle, but the wide smile on her face made me smile broadly, and all thoughts of tears vanished. So, two kids who met on Bumble tied the knot under my loving direction. I’m tearing up now.” — Holly Hartz, Moraga

“My partner and I went to Anza-Borrego to see and film the recent solar eclipse. As we sat in lawn chairs with darkened glasses, many campers asked what we were doing. Explanations about the eclipse ensued, and we shared our glasses with many campers. It was especially delightful to share with many middle and high school students. Perhaps the experience will spark an interest in astronomy or science!” — Janet Linnea Means, Laguna Hills

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