Recent High School Grads: Tell Us Why You Decided to Go to College or Not - The World News

Recent High School Grads: Tell Us Why You Decided to Go to College or Not

Polls, enrollment statistics, social media posts and education economists agree: We are seeing a growing skepticism of college among many American teenagers and their parents.

Whether that is a short-term trend spurred by a strong job market with plentiful opportunities or a longer-term change will be important for the future of the work force. It could also shape economic mobility, inequality and other facets of the economy in the years ahead.

That is why we want to hear from people who have graduated high school in the past several years or who are graduating in 2025. How are you thinking about your decision to attend college? What factors mattered to you, what did you decide, and how will you determine whether you are happy with your decision?

I will read every response to this questionnaire as I’m researching my article, because I’m looking for a wide array of perspectives to inform my reporting. I will reach out to you if it makes sense to include your example, because I want to make sure to get the details right. I will not publish your response without following up with you first. I will not use your contact information for anything but my reporting, and I won’t share it outside our newsroom.

Please fill out this form only if you are 14 or older. If you are between the ages of 14 and 17, a reporter will ask to get in touch with your parent or guardian before talking with you further.

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